Ashlyn In A Nutshell

Hi, I’m Ashlyn Maguire. Welcome!

I’ve recently relocated to Atlanta from Upstate New York, and looking to land permanently with an innovative, team-oriented organization where I’m consistently challenged and able to continually build my knowledge and skill-set in the Atlanta Marketing Community!

I’m an Integrated Marketing and Business Development Professional, Techie, passionate about Social Media Marketing and the Tech-Startup Community, Project Manager, Community Development Volunteer, and Outdoor Enthusiast.

I love jogging through my friendly neighborhood, partaking in the tech-meetup scene from The Atlanta Tech Village to Hypepotamus, exploring new places from restaurants and international food markets to a spontaneous weekend hike, and I’m looking forward to the Winter Atlanta Kickball League to get underway!

Atlanta is truly an amazing city that inspires me more everyday! I’m loving the sprawl of community that is constantly offering something new and intriguing to take part in. I’m taking it all in, and so glad to call it my home!

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